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Ukrainian Eggs
prices in Canadian dollars with taxes included. Shipping extra.
All of
Kalyna's wooden pysanky are hand-crafted by some of the finest artisans in
the Carpathian Mountains or Kiev, Ukraine. You will notice the
difference between the eggs from one region to the next, each depicting
it's own beauty and fine craftsmanship.
Be sure to check back soon, many more egg items are on their way!
Click on picture to enlarge for details, click your "back"
button to return to this page.
Wooden Easter Eggs:
Never worry about shipping eggs to your loved ones
or having your children play with them. These beautifully
designed hand-painted standard eggs are a gift that will last for
generations. No two exactly alike. Made in Ukraine. Limited
Standard Wooden Egg: $4.00 each
Intricate Wooden Eggs:
No two exactly alike, from Ukraine, many colours
to choose from.
Intricate Wooden Egg: $10.00 each
Egg Magnets:
Intricate fridge pysanky magnets make the ideal
gift for anyone who has a fridge!
$4.00 each
Large Wooden Egg and Stand:
Very large, intricately painted wooden egg stands
approximately 4" in height. No 2 exactly alike. Stand
included. Very beautifully done.
$12.00 each
Icon Eggs with Stand:
Shown above, left to right; 1 & 2 |
Both eggs are of Mary and Baby Jesus but both are
different. They are absolutely gorgeous and exquisitely
made. Measuring approximately 6" in height these
eggs would highlight any collection.
$25.00 each
Icon Egg #1:SOLD
Icon Egg #2:SOLD
Petrikivskyi Egg & Stand:
Shown above left to right; 1, 2 3,
Shown above left to right; 4, 5SOLD
Shown above left to right; 7, 8, 9
the central part of Ukraine, in Dnipropetrovsk region, there is a
village of Petrykivka, where the traditions of old-time national
handicraft are being carefully kept. Modern Petrikivskyi is
characterized, first of all, as vegetative, mainly flowers. It is
based on close studying of real forms of local flowers and using
it as a basis for creation of fantastic, nonexistent flowers. The
artists are motivated by garden and meadow flowers and
These are very high quality, free-hand painted eggs so although
the pattern may appear the same, no two will be exactly alike.
Measures approx. 4" from base to top of egg.
Exquisitely painted and enhanced with gold. They would make
a beautiful and unique gift for your collection. Many
new eggs now available! Watch for upcoming pictures. These
pictures do not reflect their real beauty, they are far more
gorgeous than they appear here.
$12.00 each
Egg #1:
Egg #2:
Egg #3:
Egg #4:
Egg #5:SOLD |
Egg #6: SOLD |
Egg #7:
Egg #8:
Egg #9:
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**All prices in Canadian
Remember to call us toll free (at the number above) or email
us for accurate pricing.**
Kalyna Ukrainian Creations